Many of the ‘clans’ named on the Borders – they are referred
to as family ‘gangs’ in the main throughout documents in the 1570s - in the 1587 Scottish Act ‘For quieting and
keeping in obedience of the disordered subjects, inhabitants of the Borders,
Highlands and Isles,’ had long faced attempts to bring them under control.
Back in 1569 the following men were all being detained by the Lord Maxwell at spots around Scotland in an attempt to subdue their crime activities:
Joke Johnnestoun of Howgill. Joke Johnnestoun callit young
Kirkhill; Ade Johnnestoun Sone to Martine in Kirkhill; Joke Johnnestoun Sone to
Thome of the Myll. Pait Johnnestoun of Watterheid. Cristie Johnnestoun of
Mylnbank; Ade Johnnestoun callit Kaittis Ade; Arche Johnnestoun of Stynto;
David Johnnestoun of Brumell; Jok Johnnestoun of Rigfuttis; Will Johnnestoun of
Brumell. David Johnnestoun of Staywod, Gawin Hobbie Johnnestoun in Annanholme;
Gawin Johnne Johnnestoun in Staywod; Thome Johnnestoun of Fingland. Willie
Johnnestoun of Reidhall. Thome Johnnestoun; Cuthbert Johnnestoun his brethir, Johnne
Johnnestoun of Quhitheid. Jame Johnnestoun of the Court; Jame Johnnestoun of
Castelhill; Willie Johnnestoun callit Dandis Willie, Johnne Johnnestoun of the
Qwais. Edward Johnnestoun callit Nicholas Edward; Andro Johnnestoun brother to
the said Johnne; Thomas Johnnestoun of Rogerflat, alsua brother to the said
Johnne. Arche Johnnestoun of Mureheid. Jok Johnnestoun callit Grenesyde;
Martine Johnnestoun brother to the said Arche; Cuddy Johnnestonis alsua his
brother. Willie Johnnstoun of Lokarby. Ane of his awin brethir; Andro
Johnnestonis eldest Sone. James Johnnestoun with the berd. - Hobbe Johnnestoun
of the Quhitstanis; James Johnnestoun of Killeriggis; Jok Johnnestoun of
Colyearknow. Gibbe Johnnestoun of Fairholme. Willie Johnnestoun of
Preistisdykis; David Johnnestoun of Rohill; Willie Johnnestoun brother to the
said Gib.
Aby Armistrang. Will of Kynmonth; Cristie Armistrang
brether; Niniane Armistrang. Thome Armistrang sone to Hector of Harlaw. Hector
Armistrang his brother; Willie Armistrang; Hector Armistrang thair fader, Cristie
Armistrang of Brumeholme. Rowy Armistrang callit the Lairdis Rowy; Johnne
Armistrang sone to Johnnes Cristie; Niniane Armistrang of Wauchopdaill, Thomas Armistrang brother to Mangertoun. Sym
Armistrang alsua his bruther; Cristell Armistrang callit Cristellis Symon;
Armstrang sone to Reid Sym. . Lancy Armistrang of Quhithauch. Sym Armistrang
his eldest Sone; Syme of the Manis; Johnne Armistrang of Quhithauch. Hekke
Armistrang Sone to Andro Armistrang of the Gyngillis. Thome Armistrang his
fader brother; the said Andro his fader; Willie Armistrang sone to the said
Thome. Archie Kene. Clementis Hob.
Will Ellot callit the Lord. Johnne Ellot of Fiddiltoun; Hob
Ellot callit the Lady; Hob Ellot callit Hob of Unthank, Johnne Ellot of the
Park. Gray Will Ellot; Hob Mark Ellot, Johnne Ellot of Thorlishoip. Hob of the
Schawis; Arche Ellot callit Fyre the Brais his brother, Ade Ellot callit the
Cowdais. Robert Ellot callit Wilcokis Hob; Johnne Ellot callit Gawins Jok in
Ramsygill. Elder Will the Tod. His eldest Sone; David Carling his brother.;
Dand of Braidley, Martine Ellot of Braidley. Sym Ellot his eldest sone; Hob
Ellot callit Archeis Hob. Martinis Gib Ellot. Gawin Ellot of Fallinesche.
Williame Ellot of Gorrumbery; Gawin Ellot of Skelfhill; Sym Ellot of Dodburne.
Wille Moffet brother to David Moffeit of Hewekis. David
Moffet his brother; Cristie Moffet his brother; James Moffet in Powbudy.
David Batie. Batie his eldest sone; Hew Batie brether to the
said David; Mungois Arthour Batie. Nicoll Batie in Carniesgill; Nicoll Batie in
the Scheill; Johnne Batie sone to Wat of the Kerse. Johnne Batie of the
George Grahame callit Callthrow. Robert Grahame brother to
the Laird of Gillesbie; Robert Grahame of Stobohill; Jame Grahame callit
Gilbertis Jame. Willie Grahame sone to Pyouris Johnne. George Grahame his
brother; his uther nixt brother.
Edward Irwing of Kirkpatrik. Watte Irwing in Gratnohill;
Willie Irwing in Gratnohill. Johnne Irwing callit the young Duk of Hoddum. Jok
Irwing his fader brother; ane of Habby of Turnshawis bairnis. Willie Irwing
sone to Edward Irwing of Boneschaw. Cristie Irwing brother to the said Edward;
Cristell Irwing eldest sone to the said Edward.
Ingrahamis Andro Littill. Ane of his brethir.
Thome Scott callit the Stowir. Johnne Scott callit the
Braid; Arche Scott of the Buss; Thome Scott of Blakhall.
Joke Steill sone to Ade Steill. His awin fadir.
David Bell callit Young King. Mathe Bell callit the Kingis
Mathe; Watt Bell brother to the said David. Cristie Bell of the Landis.
Jok Carlile brother to Adame Carlile of Brydekirk.
Johnne Carrutheris third Laird of Holmendis. George
Carrutheris his fader; Will Carrutheris callit Will of Dormond.
To show how the names repeat themselves, the following were again detained as pledges in 1583 in various places around Scotland under pain of forfeiting a massive £2000.
Gibbie Ellot, broder to Robert Ellot of Reidheuch, Willie
Ellot, sone to Martine Ellot of Braidley, Hobbie Ellot, sone to James Ellot of
the Park, Willie Ellot, callit Jokis Willie, Johnne Ellot, sone to Will Ellot,
callit the Eldar Tod, Gib Ellot of the Schawis, Jame Ellot, sone to Gray Will
Ellot, Scottis Hob Ellot, Gawen Ellot, sone to Scottis Hob Ellot, Hob Ellot,
sone to David Ellot of Braidley, and Hob Ellot, callit Yll Hob of Ransygill.
Young Clemmie Crosar, Clemmie Crosar, callit Cokis Clemmie, Adie
Crossar, callit Megettis Adie.
Thome Armstrang, broder to the Lard of Mangertoun, Archie
Armstrang, sone to the Lard of Quhithauch, Martene Armstrang, sone to George of
Arkiltoun, Armstrang, sone to Thome Armstrang of the Glengyllis, Willie
Armstrang, some to Nichol Armstrang of Tarrisholmhill, Rowie Armstrang of
Brintscheilhill, Richard Armstrang, sone to Hectoure of Hairlaw, David
Armstrang, sone to Thome Armstrang of Cannabie, Thomas Armstrang, some to
Sandie Armstrang, callit Sandeis Ringane, Niniane Armstrang, sone to Symon
Armstrang, callit Symon the Foid, Jok Armstrang of the Caffeild, Lang Andro
Armstrang of the Hairlaw.
Alie Batie, sone to David Batie, Archie Batie, broder to
Johnne of the Scoir, Johnne Batie of Daventoun, a son of Nikie Batie of the
Andro Grahame, sone to the Priouris Johnne,
Willie Irvin, sone to Jokis Willie, Willie Irvin of
Archie Bell, broder to Bell, callit the Bendar, Willie Bell,
sone to Rany Bell in Docanflat,
Cristie Johnnestoun of Big- hill, Habbie Johnnestoun, sone
to Gib Johnnestoun of Langsyde, Johnne Johnnestoun, sone to Will Johnnestoun of
Myreheid, Willie Johnnestoun, sone to Gib Johnnestoun of Fairholme, Thome
Johnnestoun, sone to David Johnnestoun of the Bankis, Johnne Johnnestoun, Sone
to young James Johnnestoun of Brumell,
Willie Moffet, sone to James Moffet of Powbudie.
Adame Latimer, sone to David Latimer of Cokkethill.
David Litill, broder to Johnne Litill of Kessok.
Will Bell, sone to Jok Bell of Alby.
Quintene Niksoun, sone to Clemmy Niksoun, callit Clemme the
The men wanted for unanswered bills for raids into England in 1587 were also named:
Sim Armstrong of Mangerton, Sim Armstrong younger of
Whithaugh, Ninian Armstrong of Twedden and his brother Hector; Whithaugh’s
other sons Andrew, Francis and Hob, Alexander’s Archie Armstrong, John
Armstrong, called 'the laird’s Jock,’ Sim’s Tom Armstrong, Tom Armstrong,
called ‘Rowie’s Tom,’ Sim Armstrong, called ‘Rakkas,’ and his brother John; Hector
Armstrong of the Hillhouse, George Armstrong of Arkleton, Will Armstrong,
called Kinmont, old Thom Armstrong of the Gingles, young Thom Armstrong of the
Gingles, Alexander’s Archie Armstrong, Hector Armstrong, his brother, Adie
Armstrong, his brother, Mungo Armstrong in Arkleton, Hector Armstrong of the
Will Elliot of Hartscarth, Archie Elliot, called ‘Martyn’s
Archie,’ Archie Elliot of the Hill, Thom Elliot of Chopschaw, Will Elliot of
Gorrenberry, Davy Elliot, called ‘the Carling,’ Ade Elliott of the Shaws, Anthony
Elliott of the Bents, Archie Elliott of the Hill, John Elliott of the
Heughhouse, John Elliott, called ‘Bowholmes,’ Archie Elliot, brother to Will of
Fallen ash, Robert Elliot of Glenvoran.
Archie Crosier, called ‘Quintin’s Archie,’ John Crosier,
Martin Crosier of Bastonley,
George Nixon ‘Ill-Drooned Geordie’ the son of Will of
Callaley, John Nixon of Larriston Burn,
John Beattie of the Score ‘Nichol’s John.’
Nicol Scott in Mespeble, and Andrew Scott, called the
Braid’s Andrew.
A list of those on surnames on the list living on John Maxwell, Earl of Morton’s, lands in 1585:
ARMSTRONG: Cristie Armestrang in Barnegleis, (Jhonn
Murray, his man, and his servants Christie Murray, Andro Carrutheris, Thome
Bell, Robert Halyday, Will Bell the Stell, Jhonne Litill, Jok Huik, Johne
Thomsone, and Jok Bell). Jhonn Armestrang of Calsfeild, Dand Armestrang,
Niniane Armstrang of the Neis, Christie Armstrang, his sone, Johne Armestrang
in Hoilhous (Hollows), Johne Armestrang in Glinyer, Andro Armistrang, his sone,
Rowe William and Christie Armstrangeris, brether to the said Johne, Will
Armestrang in Teikmie, Thome Armstrang in Glinyer, Geordie Armestrang in
Blakbakheid, Armstrang in Thornyquhattie, Archie Armestrang in Tarkima, Archie
and Robert Armestrangis, sonis to Cristie in Langholme, Iyngrie Armestrang of
Raltoun, Archie Armestrang, marcheand, William Armestrang callit Kynmont,
Johne, Geordie, Francie, Thome, Sandie, Jhonn and Ringane Armestrangis, sonis
to Kynmont, Johne Armestrang, als Reltoun, Will, Sandie and Jok Armestrangis,
Dandy, Andro and Cristie Armestrangis, Johne Armestrang, Jame Armestrang in
Capilgill, Hectour Armestrang in Stubholme, Geordie Armestrang in Arkiltoun,
Niniane, Geordie, Martine, Dandy and Mingo Armestrangis, his sonis, Niniane and
Hobie Armestrangis, Johne Armestrang alias Rakass, Lord Archie Armestrang in
Arkiltoun, Johne Armestrang, his sone, Niniane Armestrang, the lairdis Niniane,
Joke, Armestrang, his sone, Johnn Armestrang Howgill, Andro Armestrang, Jhonn
Armestrang in Munkbehirst, Johne, Niniane and Christie Armestrangis, brether,
Rowe Armestrang, the lairdis Rowe, Johne and Ringane Armestrangis, his sonis,
Thome Armestrang of Gryngillis, Abe Ringane, Cristie, Archie, Thome, Jok and
Ade Armestrangis, his sonis, Rowe Armestrang of Brumholme, Thome Armestrang,
sone to the lairdis Rowe, George Armestrang in Catgill, Ringane Armestrang of
Auchinbedrig, Sim, Thomas and Robert Armestrangis, George Armestrang in
Betholme, Patone Armestrang thair, Serge Armestrang, brother to Kynmont, Cristie
Armestrang in Carron, Quhintting, Andro and Geordie Armestrangeis, brether,
Cristie Armestrang, sone to Quintine, Jok Armestrang, sone to Andro, Niniane
Armestrang, sone to Patonis Niniane, Geordie Armestrang in Thornyquhatt,
Cristie Armestrang, callit Armestrangis Cristie, Jame Armeistrang in Carrono,
Thome Armestrang of Gyngillis, sone to Andro, Eduart, Ringane and Lance
Armestrangis, Ale, Archie and Georde Armestrangis, Roger Armestrang, Ekie
Armestrang, Gyngill, Andro Armestrange, his sone, Thome Armestrang, Geordie
Arimestrang, Alexander Armstrang of the Gingills, Thome Armestrang in Craig,
sone to Alexander, Arche, Willie and Hewe Armestrangis, brether, of the
Gyngliss, George Armestrang, Howgill, Thome Armestrang of the Wray, Jok
Armestrang, Niniane Armestrang in Brumholme, Johne, Ekie and Antonie
Armestrangis thair, Francie Armestrang of Kynmont, Jame Armestrang in Canobie,
Francie Armestrang in Quhythauch, Niniane Armestrang of Auchinbedrig, Sandie
Armestrang, Kynmont, Francie Armestrang, Flatt, Robert Armestrang, Willie
Armestrang, Twedane.
ELLIOT: Niniane,
Thome, George and Will Ellattis, Johne Ellot in Wod End, Rowe Ellocht of the
Hall, Hob and Will Ellottis, brether, Willie Ellat, Jok Ellat in Bowgranis.
SCOTT: Johne Scot
in Stepfurde, Barquhieggane, Juhone and Thomas Scottis thair, Adame Scot thair,
Johnn Scot in Tarbraikoch, Paull Scott in Manis, Thome Scot in Blakest, Syme
Scot, Nikie Scot, William Scott duelland on Serk Watter, Thome Scott in
Blakhall, Johne Scot, his sone, Adam Scott in Mospebill, Jhonn Scott, his sone,
Johne, Geordie and Will Scottis, Jok Scott in Arkiltoun, Willie Scott, Ade
Scott, Johne Scott, Johne Scot in Kirktoun, Jhonn Scott, William Scot.
Bety in Rig, Johne Baty in Topwod, Hew Baty in Daltounhuik, Johne Baty in
Redhall, David Baty in Blakest Alie, Rowe, Hew, Johne and David Batyis, his
sonis, Andro Baty in Blakest, Archie and Niniane Batyis thair, Willie and Robie
Batyis in Blakest, David Baty in Wotcariok, David Baty in Cauldkin, Johne and
Wat Batyis, his brether, Jhonn Baty of Burne, sone to Adame, Hew, Johne,
Geordie, Jinkin, Wattie and Adie Batyis, the said Johnis brether, Jame Baty,
Mungois Jame in Killclewis, Wattie and Mingo Batyis, his sonis, Johne Batie,
sone to Mingo in Ronelburne, Wattie Rowe and Thome Batyis, his brither, Johne
Batie, sone to Arthour, Johne Baty in Carlisgill, Geordie, Nikie, David, Wattie
Sime and Wat Batyis thair, Jok Andro, Jame, Jok, Andro Batyis thair, Adame Baty
in Yetbyre, Charlie Batie thair, Mathew Baty, his sone, Jame Baty thair, Nikie
Baty in Quhithauch, Robe Baty thair, Robe Baty in Byre, Sim Baty thair, Mathew
Batie, sone to Lang Andro, Geordie and Andro Baties, Steine, Sim and David
Bateyis, thrie brether, Wat Batie of the Scheill, Jok Batie his brother, David
and Neke Batyis, tua brether, Jhonn Batie in Bank Heid, Johne Baty, Braid,
Johne Batie of the Corss, Andro, Sandie and Wattie Bateis, thre brether, Johne
Batie his man, Jok Batie, sone to the Bra, Andro Batie, sone to Trurie, Adie
Batie, his brother, Johne Batie in Glenbervell, Johne Batie of Davingtoun,
Johne Willie, Wattie, Geordie, Hobbie Bateis, sonis to the said Johne, Robe,
Joke, Johne, Peter, Andro and Hew Bateis, Andro Baty, sone to Hew, Naving Baty,
Andro Baty, Johne, Peter and Jame Betyis, Geordie and Wattie Batyis, Jhonn
Batie, als Nekeis, Jhonn, Archie, Nekie, Adame, Wattie and David Baties, Alie
Batie in Trowhoillis, Andro Batie, his brother, Rowe Baty in Waster Ker,
Cristie, Archie and Willie Batyis, Jhonn Batie in Milgill, Andro Baty, Syme
Baty, Jhonn Batie of the Linholme, Andro Batie, his servand, Thome Batie of the
Lynholme, his brother, Rowe Batie thair, Nikie Batie thair, Dave Baty duelland
on Serk Watter, Nicoll Baty in Carlisgill, George Baty in Nedder Croisdykis,
Matho Baty, Jok and Archie Batyis, Ade and Johne Batyis, Andro Baty, George,
Robe and Jok Batyis, Archie Baty, Gilbert Baty.
Litill, Hew Litill in Skaillis, Adie Litill, Christe and Joke Litillis, Jhonn
Litill, Thome Litill, elder, in the Cuill, Thome Litill, youngar thair, Johne,
Andro and Mathew Litillis thair, Nekie Litle in Dalduran, Jok, Andro, Sym,
Archie, Clemet and David Litillis thair, Johne and Jok Litillis thair, Pait
Litill in Craigmekle, Wat Litill in Stankgait, Wat Litill thair, Johne Litill
in Singland, Rowe, Jame, Alexander, Andro and Syme Litillis thair, Jhone Litill
in Burnefute, Geordi Litle thair, Cuddy Litill in Stabilgortoun, Andro, Willie
and Wattie Litillis thair, Johne Litle in Pollorane, Archie Litle in Potholine,
Adie Litill in Dowglen, Nike Litill in Milholme, Wattie and Francie Litillis,
his sonis, Rowe Litill thair, Rowe Litill, callit Archies Rowe, Thome Litill
thair, Syme Litill thair, Syme Litill in Bankheid, Nikie Litle in Brekcanwray,
Andro Litle thair, Archie Litiil thair, Rowe Litill thair, David Litill in
Clois, Johne, Thome and Persell Litillis thair, Mathowis, Jhonn Litill thair,
David and Jok Litles thair, Andro Litill, sone to Wat, Wat Litill in Igill,
Rowe Litill thair, Jhonn Litill, Geordie Litill duelland on Serk Watter, Will Litill,
als Pyk Ekie, Dick and Wat Litillis, Andro Litill, Eduart Littill, Wattie,
Mathew, George, Sim and Johne Litillis, Jame and Archie Litillis, Mathe Litill,
Jame Litill, Jynkin, Davie, Gibbie, Johne, Jok, Bartie and Sandie Litillis,
Cudde Litill, Mathow Litill in Craig, Sim Litill, laird of Mekill Daill,
Archie, Wattie, Johne and Adie Litillis, Andro Littil, Cudde Litill in
Kirktoun, Will Litill in Bombie, Geordie and Johne Litles, brether, Jesper
Geordie, Will, Rob, Nekie and Jok Litillis thair, Jok Litill, sone to Jhonn
Litill, Wattie Litill thair.
Thomsoun in Milheid, Thomas Thomson, his brother, Nicoll Thomsone in Caryeild,
Roger Thomesone in Correllwod , Johne Thomesoun thair, Roger Thomesone thair,
his sonis, James Thomesone, smithe thair, David Thomesone, his sone thair,
Johne Thomsone of Know thair, Thomas Thomesoun in Drumcrago, William Thomsone
in Clynt, Andro and Johne Thomsonis, his brether thair, James Thomesone in
Blakest, Ade Thomsone, Eduart, Johne and Sym Thomsonis, Johne Thomsone, als
Rowll, Dik and Will Thomsonis, Mertine Thomsone duelland on Serk Watter, Archie
and Adame Thomsonis, Geordie Thomsone in Kirkgill, Joke Thomesone thair, Adie
and Joke Thomsonis, his brether, Wat in Allebasterland, Johne Thomsone thair,
Johne Thomsone in Kirkgill, Archie Thomsone in Allebasterland, Nikie and Jok
Thomsonis thair, Johne Thomsone in Pollorane, Geordie Thomesoun, Johne
Thomesone, Adame Thomsone, Richie Thomesone.
Glendoning in Wotcariok, Johne Glendoning, crowner, Johne Glendoning, als
Felhour, Johne Glendoning, Johne and Jame Glendoningis, Mathew Glendoning in
Castelhill, Arche Glendoning thair, Peter Glendoning, Jok Glendoning, Bartill
Glendoning, Syme Glendoning, Ade Glendoning, Alexander Glendoning.
IRVING: Christie
Irving in Wodend, Edward Irving, his sone, David Irving in Vyisbie, Gib, Will
and Johne Irving there, Edvert Irving in KirkPatrik, Wattie, Francie, Abrahame
and Richert Irvingis, his sonis, Dik, Gawin, William, Walter and Johne
Irvingis, sonis to Dik, amangis the Rasches, Gawin Irving, Walter Irving in
Robgill, Mathow David and Cuthbert Irvingis, Mathe Irving in Hurkildaill,
Richie Irving thair, Jok Irving, his man, Christie Irving in Wod, Hobie Irving,
his brother, Richie Irving in Murrayis, Eduart Irving, his brother, Mathe
Irving, callit Meggis Mathe, Johne, brother sone to Meggis, Johne Irving, laird
of Skaill, Dik Uruing, his sone, Hobie Irving in Skaillis, Leny Irving in
Gretnahill, Johne Irving in Sloistis, Leny Irving in Gretnay, Wat Irving in
Gretnahill, Francie and ? Irvingis, his sonis, Eduart Irving in Sowron, Willie
Irving in Gretnahill, Johne, Mathie and Eduart Irvingis, his sonis, Richie
Irving in Gretnahill, Niniane Irving, Eduart Irving in
Gretnahill, Willie Irving, his sone, Wat Irving in Gretnahill, younger, Mingo
Irving in Braidleyis, Hobie Irving, his son, Johne Irving in Steilhill, Hobie
Irving, his sone, David Irving, sone to Jokis Willie, Herbert Irving in Sowwod,
Geordie Irwing thair, Christie Irving of Cowthquhat, Cubie, William and Cristie
Irvingis, sonis the said Christie, Johne Irving in Over Dowglen, Richie and
Cristie Irvingis thair, Brattill Irving in Dowglencleuch, David Jok and
Alexander Irvingis thair, Johnn Irving in Sikheid, Geordie Johne and Christie
Irvingis, sonis to Gib in Blakbaksyd, Johne Irving in Hag, Richie Irving in
Auchinruvok, Sandie Irving thair, Jame Irving, Mathow Irving, Archie Irving in
Arkiltoun, Johne Irving, Jeffra Irving, Archie Irving, Joke Irving, Herbert
Irving in Brumholme, James Irving, Walter Irving, Mathow Irving, Francie Irving
of Kirkpatrik, Wat Irving his brother, Dik Irving among the rashes, . Edvert
Irving of Kirkpatrik, Abrahame and Edvert Irvingis, his sonis, David Irving,
Robgill, Will Irving, Wat Irving, Cawartisholme, , Richie Irving, Willie Irving
in Milflat.
BELL: Mathew Bell
in Howchquhat, Mathew Bell in Daltounhuik, Johne Bell in Bengaw, Gilbert Bell
in Gavilburne, Johne Bell in Middeschaw, Andro Bell in Langdyk, Johne Bell
thair, Thomas Bell in Cowthquhat, Rowe Bell in Rokell, William Bell in Nuik
Ranie, Johne and Wat, his brether, Osuall Bell, Thome Bell in Seidhill, Johne
Bell in Dyk, Johne Bell, his brother, Thome Bell of Yettis, Johne Bell, sone to
Thome Bell in Sheilgrein, Alexander Bell in Williambie, William, Johne and
Thome Bellis, his brether, William Bell in Williambiehals, Johne Bell in
Wodheid, David Bell, his brother, , Jok Bell, Umphra Bell in Bank, Job Bell,
William Bell, his sone, Wat Bell in Middilbehill, Johne Bell in Clynt, Thome and
Jinkin Bellis, brether, Andro Bell in Langdyke, Dik Bell, Christie Bell in
Clynthill, Arche Bell, his brother, Johne Bell of Land, Johne Davidsone,
William Bell in Blakathous, Wat, Thome, Frances, Riche and Johne Bellis,
brether to the said William, Geordie and Johne Bellis, Nikie Bell - Gibis
Nekie, William Bell, callit Litle Willie, William Bell in Myrse, David,
Richert, Eduart and William Bellis his sonis, Ade Bell, Nikie Bell, Wat Bell in
Wiltoun, Patoun Bell in Hiemure, Thome Bell in Cowthquhat, Andro Bell in
Owllcoittis, Dik Bell in Clint, Niniane Bell in Middilbekirk, Alexander and
Patone Bellis, his brether, Christie Bell in Redhall, Adie Bell, David Bell, Johne
Bell in Stokis, Johne Bell in Carrutheris Park,
Richie Bell in Hottis, Ranie Bell, Jhonn Bell in Linhome, Willie Bell duelland
on Serk Watter, Pait Bell in Logane, Cristie, Johne, Arthour and Thome Bellis,
Umphra Bell, alias Lamb, Peter, Jok and Alexander Bellis, Andro Bell, Jame
Bell, Richert Bell, Patone Bell, Hie Muire, David Bell, Holme Heid, Wattie Bell
in Middilbehill, Wattie Bell, sone to Jok, Richie Bell his brother, Geordie
Bell of Annand, Richie Bell, Slagon, Johne Bell, Andro Bell, Holmheid,
George Carutheris of Holmendis, elder, Johne Carutheris of Holmendis, younger, Christie
Carutheris in Dormont, Sym Carutheris in Ramarscallis, Sym Carutheris in Ile,
Robert Carutheris in Brydgill, Johne Carrutheris in Raffallis, Andro
Carrutheris in Robequhat, Johne Carrutheris in Danebie, Robert and Johne
Carrutheris ther, Johne Carrutheris in Butterquhat, Willie Carrutheris in
Fourtene Aiker, Johne Carrutheris, his sone, Andro Carrutheris in Almtgill,
Johne Carrutheris in Dormont, Robert Carrutheris thair, William Carrutheris in
Middillraw, Rolland Carrutheris thair, Johne Carrutheris in Halydahill,
Cuthbert Carrutheris ther, Johnn Carrutheris in Daltoun, Mungo Carrutheris in
Daltoun, Thomas Carrutheris in Dyk, Herbert and Johne Carrutheris thair, Johne
Carrutheris in Raffellis, Johne Carruthis in Kirkhill, William Carrutheris in
Kirkland, George Carrutheris in Egeschaw, Richert Carrutheris thair, Thomas
Carrutheris of Wirmonbie, Charles and William Carrutheris, his sonis, Thome
Carrutheris in Sowron, James Carrutheris, Johne Carrutheris in Glinyer, Mark,
Alexander and Thome Carrutheris, Jhonn Carrutheris, Jame Carrutheris, Archibald
Carrutheris, Johne Carrutheris in Holmendis, Johne Carrutheris of Danebie, ,
laird Wormonbie, younger, Willie Carrutheris his brother, Captaine George
Carruthers of Holmendis, Cornet Charlis Carrutheris, his sone, Cristie
Carrutheris, Dormont, Willie Carrutheris, his brother, Johne Carrutheris,
Ramerschallis, Mathow Carrutheris, Johne Carrutheris, Sym Carrutheris.
GRAHAM: William
Grahame in Chepmantoun, Andro Grahame in Manis, Simon Graham in Howchquhat, Johne
Grahame in Daltounhuik, Thomas Grahame thair, William Grahame, sone to Will
Grahame, Arthour Grahame of Blawart Wod, Johne and David Grahamis, his sonis,
Richie Grahame in Langrigis, Robert Grahame, his sone, Peter Grahame, George
Grahame in Carrutheris Park, Andro Grahame, his brother, Wattie and Thome
Grahames thair, Robert Grahme, duelland on Serk Watter, Thome Grahame, Jynkin
Grahme in Logane, Peter Grahame thair, Willie Grahme, Riche Grahme in Wodend, Johne
Grahme in Hoill, David and Archie Grahmes, Symon Grahme in Logane, Jok Grahme,
Wattie Grahme, Richie Grahme, Meidhoip, Johne Francie, Sim, Fergus and Wattie
Grahmes, his sonis, Wattie Grahme, Akinschawhill, William Grhame, Beddoskholme,
Willie Grahme, Blawartwod, Robert Grahme, Langrigis, Ade and Jame Grahmes, Nekie
Grahme, William Grahme, William Grahme, Will Grahme, claithman, Geordie Grahame
of Carrutheris, Hobe Grahme, Johne Grahme, Sym Grahme, Geordie Grahme. George
Grahme, Meidhoip.
Johnnstoun in Crofts, Adame Johnstoun in Carthwod, Johne Johnstown thair, Johne
Johnstoun in Hychill, Williame Johnnstoun in Reidhall, Johne David, Willie
Edward, Gawin and Geordie Johnstonis, sonis to the said Williame, David
Johnstown, brother to William of Reidhall, Charlie Johnstoun in Redhall, Gib
and Johne Jhonestonis thair, Johne Jhonestone of Gretnay, Johne Jhonestoun in
Righeidis, Jame Johnstoune in Brumhill, Thome Johnstoune in Preistwodsyde,
Gilbert, Cuthbert, Francie and Thome Johnstonis thair, David Johnstown, sone to
Gib, Jhonn Johnstoun, Johne Johnnestoun, Thomas Jhonnstoune, Johne Jhonestoun,
William Jhonnstone; Lochirby, Andro Johnstown, Herbert Jhonnstoun, William
Johnstone, Jhonn Johnstoun of Land, Johne Jhonnstoun in Cummertreis, Johne
Johnstoun, Tundergarth, Andro Johnsone, Myreheid, Willie Johnstoun,
JARDINE: Alexander
Jarding in Chepmantoun.
MOFFAT: Nicoll
Moffett, Jok Moffet in Glinyer, Johne Moffet, Mertein Moffet, Hew Moffet, Simon
Moffet, Thomas Moffet, Jhonn Moffett, George Moffett,
Latymar in Carthwod, Geordie Latimer.
The Beatties had to forfeit £1000 to the West March warden
Johnstone in 1580 when John of the Score, the son of Nichol Beattie, didn’t
show at the pledge chamber in Dumfries. David Beattie of Blakesk, Hugh Batie in
Johnnstounknowis, James Beattie in Davingtoun, John’s brother, and his father
Auld Nicoll of the Scoir were made responsible for paying the huge fine, which
probably explains why the were riding with the Gingles Armstrongs into England.
John Carmichael of Meadowflat and Creighton was under a massive
bond of £10,000 for John Johnstone of that ilk, in 1581 that he and his men
should behave loyally and not assist or talk to Archibald, sometime Earl of
Angus or his accomplices and should appear before the Council when summoned.
The following Jardines were in trouble with the law in 1583 –
Alexander of Applegarth, Simon Moffatt in Hilbykis, Robert Jardine in
Birkburnefurde, Charles Jardine, brother to the Laird of Applegarth, and
Humphrey Jardine, person of Applegarth (and others his household men and
servants). Alexander had broken out of Edinburgh castle and had burned Lady
Lamington Jean Hamilton’s lands and broke the arm of one of her female servants
while beating her.
The Jardine gang – Alexander of Applegarth, his brothers John
and James, Thomas Jardine of Birnok and his son Thomas, Will Jardine, called
Red Will, David Johnstone in Mylnebank, and servants. David Moffatt in
Sybbellesyde, Matthew Moffat in Woodend, called Daves- chaw, Will Bell and
Niniane Jardine were charged with fire-raising and slaying and stealing horses
and cattle in Scotland.
John Carruthers, the brother of George Carruthers of
Holmendis, was part of a gang of around 50 friends, servants and dependants of
the Earl of Crawford who in 1583 attacked the house of Ruthven, burning and
hurting Patrick and George Creighton and others while kidnapping Adam
Also in 1583, William Moffatt of Arikstane, Robert Moffatt,
his son, James Moffatt of Mekilumside, James Moffatt of Mekleholme, James Moffatt
of Garigholme, John his son, William Moffat, James Moffatt in the town of Moffat
Thomas Moffett, alias Thomas Lyne, Gilbert Moffat, his brother, James Moffat,
called Scald Jamie, and David Moffat, also brother to Thomas, and Robert Moffatt
in the Altoun, with their accomplices, raided Gilbert Hay of Monktown and were
denounced rebels for not appearing to hear the charges against them.
The primary reason for the families being named in the so-called 'Unruly Clans' Act, however, was most likely to do with them being involved in the 1585 Seige of Stirling. They are all named in the staunchly Catholic Lord Maxwell's Muster Roll. When Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed in February 1587, the Protestant powers-that-be were obviously out to quell those tennants and followers of Maxwell, who were:
David Baty in Blackest, and his sons Alic, Rowe, Hew, John,
and David, with Andrew, Archy, and Ninian Batys ; Ninian Ewart, James Thomson,
Thomas Scott, Willie and Robert Batys, and Laurie Pott thair ; Dd. Dalgelsh,
Dd. Baty, James Aitchison, Ade Glendoning, and Ade Graham, Watcarrick; David,
John, and Wat Baty, in Cauldkin ; John (son of Adam), Hew, John, George,
Jinkin, Wat, and Ade Batys, James, Mungo, and Jamie, in Kilclervis, and Watty
and Mungo, sons to James thair; John, Wat, and Thom Baty, Ronelburne ; John
Baty (son of Arthur), and John Baty, in Carlesgill ; Geo., Nikie, Dd., Watt,
Sim, and Wattie thair ; Jok, Andrew, Jok, jun., and An- drew Batys thair ; Adam
Baty in Yetbyre, with his sons Charles and Mat- thew, and Jamie Baty thair;
Nikie and Rob Baty in Qubitehauch ; Robie Baty in Byre ; Sim Baty, and Matthew
(son to Lang Andrew), Andrew, George, Stein, Sim, and David Batys thair. Watt
Baty of the Scheill ; Jock, Dd., and Nikie thair ; Jolin Baty in Bankhead ;
John Baty, Braid ; John Baty, Cors., Andrew, Sandie, and Wattie Batys, his
brothers, John Baty, his man, Jok, son to bra Andrew Baty, son to Trurie, and
Ade, his brother ; John Batie in Glenbervele ; John Glendonig, Crowner ; John
Glendonig, Felhour ; John Baty of Davingtoun, and his sons John, Willie, Wat,
George, and Hobbie Batys; Robe, Jok, John, Peter, Andrew, and Hew Batys, Jok
Gillespie, Adie Littel, Andrew (son of Hugh) Baty, Dd. Nichol, Jok Aitkins,
John Rae, Christy and Jok Littel, Jamie Bennet, Thome Rae, Jok Ranik, Jamie,
Jock, and Sim Brigs, Ade Thomson, Rowe M‘Crie, Sim M'Crie, Naving Baty, John
Aitkin, John Glen- donig, John Dalgleish, Andrew Baty, Edward, John, Sim, John,
Rowe Thom- sons, John, Peter, and Jamie Batys, Dik and Will Thomsons, Geordie
and Wattie Batys, John Baty, also Nickie's John, Archy, Nickie, Adam, Watt, and
Dd. Baties, Alic and Andrew Baty, Trowhoilles ; Matthew, John, and James
Glendonig, John Halliday in Castlehill, Archie Glendonig and Rowe Baty in
Wasterker, Christy, Archie, and Willie Batys, John Brown in Crois- dykes, his
son John, Peter and Jok Glendonig, Peter Graham, Wattie Crek, John Baty in
Millgill, Bartell and Sim Glendonig, Bernay Cowpar, Andrew Baty, Sym Scot, Sym
Baty, Nikie Scot, William Barnet, John Boy, John Little. George, Andrew,
Wattie, and Thomas Graham, Carruthers; John Beck, John and Ritchie, Bell in
Hotts ; Nicol Moffat, Adam Halliday, Raney Bell, and John Baty of Linholme,
Andrew Baty, his servant, and Thomas, his brother; John Bell, and Rowie and
Nickie Baty thair ; Thomas Littles, senior and junior, in Cuill. John, Matthew,
Nikie Littles in Daldurrane ; Jok, Andrew, Sym, Archy, Clem, and Dd. Littles,
and John and Jok Littles thair ; Pat Little in Craig- meikle ; Wat Little,
Starkgait; Wat Little thair ; John Little, Rowie, James Alexander, Andrew, and
Sym Little, Finglaud ; John and Geordie Little in Burnfoot; William, Cuddy, Andrew,
and Wat Little, Staplegordon ; John Little, Pollarane; Archy Little, Potholme;
Adie Little, Dowglen; Nikie Little, Milnholm; Watty and Fras. Little, his sons
; Rowe and Archy's Rowe Little, and Thomas and Sym Little, thair ; Sym Little,
Bankhead ; Nikie, Archy, Andrew, and Rowie Littles, thair; David, John, Tom,
and Persell Littles, in Clois ; (Matthew's) John, David, and Jok Littles,
Andrew, Wat, Rowie Little, in Igill ; John, Ritchie, Christy, and Bratell
Irvings, in Dou- glencleuch ; Dd., Jok, and Alexander Irviugs thair ; Christie
Armstrong in Barngleis, John Murray, his man, Chris. Murray, Andrew Carruthers,
Tom Bell, Robert Halliday, Will Bell, Pet Steel, John Little, Jok Huik, Jobo
Thomson, and Jok Bell, his servants ; John Armstrong, Calfield, John Rowclege,
Dd. Armstrong, James Roger, Will Mitchelson, Thomas Aikenhead, John Huik,
Ninian Armstrong of the Neis, Christy, his son, John Little, John Crosset, John
Armstrong in Hoilhouse, John Armstrong in Glenzier, and his son Andrew,
William, Rowie, and Christy Armstrongs, his brothers, William Armstrong in
Sickune, Thomas Armstrong in Glenzier, George Armstrong in Blackbakhead, John
Little in Sikhead, George, John, and Christy Irvings (son of Gib), Blackbaksyd,
Joseph Irving in Hag, Jok Moffat, Glenzier, - Armstrong, and John and Ninian
Turner in Thornywhaites, Archibald Armstrong, Tarkinne, Archy and Robert, sons
to Christie Armstrong, Lang holme, Ingrie Armstrong of Ralton, Ritchie and
Sandy Irving, Auchinrivock, John Carruthers in Glenzier, Christy Mitchelson and
son John in Tumschel- burn, and Will Coltere, Thos Wilson, and Andrew Turner,
thair, Archibald Armstrong, Mearchand, William Armstrong, Kynmont, and sons
John, Geo., Fras., Tom, Sandy, John, and Ringane Armstrongs, William Graham and
William Scott in Sarkwater, Thomas Reidpath, John Little, Willie Bell, George
Little, Martine Thomson, Davie Baty, James Cowan, and Andrew Giffert thair ;
Robert Macillwitty, writer to Kynmont; Archy and Adam Thomson and Nichol Baty,
in Carlesgill ; Will Little, Alias Pyk, Ecke, Dick, and Wat Littles, Ninian,
Tom, George, and Will Elliots, John Armstrong, in Wauchopdail ; Henry, Archie,
Aidie, John, and Sym Littles, John Armstrong, Alik Reltoun, Will, Sandy, and
Jok Armstrong, George Baty, in Nether Crois. dykes ; Ninian Palmer, John
Purdoun, Jamie Irving, Dandy, Andrew, Chr., and John Armstrongs, Thomas Graham,
Jamie Armstrong, in Copilgill ; Jyngin and Peter Graham, and Peter Bell, in
Logan ; Matthew Irving, Watr. Baty, John Linsay ; Mark, Alex. and Thos. Carruthers
; Jok and Archie Baties ; Geo. Thomson and Sons; Jok Aide and Jok Thomsons,
Kirkgill; Archy and Wat Thomson, in Alabastland; John Thomson, senr. and jr.,
in Kirkgill ; Nikie and Jok Thomsons ; John Thomson in Pollorane ; Hector
Armstrong, Stubholm; Geo. Armstrong in Arkleton ; Ninian George Martin Mungo
and Dandy Armstrongs ; his sons, Ninian and Hobby Armstrongs , Andrew Little,
William Brown, Will. Nelson, Edward Little, Jok Armstrong alias Rakeas, William
Graham, and Tom Scott, in Blackball, John Scott his son ; John Elliot, Woodend
; Rowe, Hob, and Will Elliot of the Hall; Riche Graham in Woodend ; Will
Elliot, Lord Archie Armstrong, in Arkletoun; John, his son ; Adam and son John
Scotts, in Mosspeeble ; John, George, and Will Scotts, Jok Scott, and Archie
Irving, in Arkletoun ; Jok Elliot in Bow- grange ; Ninian and Jok Armstrong,
John Armstrong, Howgill; Andrew Armstrong, Tom Kirkpatrick, and Andrew Turner,
John Armstrong, in Mumbiehirst; John, Ninian, and Christy, his brothers, Rowe
(the Lairds Rowie), John and Ringane Armstrong, his sons, Jynkin, Archie, and
Will Nicholsons, John Johnstone, Thomas Armstrong, Gyngill; Abe, Ringane,
Christie, Archie, Tom, Jok, and Ade Armstrongs, his sons, Watty, Matthew, George,
Sym, and John Littles, Ade Glendonig, Tom Coutart, Ade Hoip, Rowe Armstrong of
Drimholme ; Thomas Armstrong in Catgill ; William Wilson, John Moffat, Ade and
John Baty, John Purves, James Waugh, Ringane Armstrong, Auchenbedrig ; Sym,
Tom, and Robert Armstrong, James and Alexander Halliday, Christie, John,
Arthur, and Thome Bells, Andrew Lowrie, Archie Lawart, Ade Pott, George and
Patone Armstrong, Betholme ; Rob Halliday and Andrew Baty, John Graham, in
Hoill ; Dd., Archie, and Sym Graham, in Logan ; George, Rob, and Jok Batys,
Martin Moffat, Jok and Tom Wilson, Fergu Halliday, Hump. Rule, John Irving, Tom
Henderson, in Brackenquhat; Hump. Bell alias the Lamb, John Corrie, John
Kirkpatrick, William Miller, Fergu Armstrong, brother to Kynmont, John Johnstone,
Jaffra and Archie Irving, Jok Graham, Rob Clerk, William Kirkpatrick, Da.
Watson, Wattie Graham, Thomas Johnstone, Adam, George, and Richie Raes, Christy
Armstrong, in Corron; Quentin, Andrew, and George, his brothers, Christie, Jok,
Ninian, his nephews, George Armstrong, in Thorniequbat; Christy Armstrong and
John Turner thair ; Jamie Armstrong, Car- sons ;. Thom, son of Andrew
Armstrong, Gyngills ; Ade Murray, Willi Dryane, Jamie and Archy Littles, Archy
Baty, and Matthew and James Little, Edward, Ringane, and Lancie Armstrongs,
Willie and Ade Scott, Ale, Archie, and George Armstrongs, Ade and Jame Grahams,
Roger and Eckie Armstrongs, Gyngills ; Andrew and Thome Armstrongs, Hobe and
Aibe Wilson, George Armstrong, Nickie Graham, Jynkin, Davie, Gib, John, Jok,
Bartie, and Sandy Littles, Peter, Jok, and Alexander Bell, Cuddie Little, Joke
Irving, Andrew and Jas. Bell, Alexander Armstrong, of the Gyngills ; Thom
Armstrong and Matthew Little, in Craig ; Archie, Willie, and Hew Armstrongs
(brothers of Gyngills); Sym Little, laird of Meikledail; Archie, Wattie, John,
and Ade Littles, John Scott, Andrew Little, Jok Turner in Kirktouu ; Cuddie
Little, John Scott, and Willie Stevenson, Kirktoun ; Geo. Armstrong and Andrew
Henderson, Howgill; Thomas Armstrong of the Wray; Jok Armstrong, Will Little in
Bombie ; Geordie and John, his bro- thers; Jasper, George, Will, Rob, Nickie,
and Jok Little thair; and Jok and Wattie Littles, Ninian Armstrong in Bromholm
; Juhn, Eckie, and Antony Armstrongs thair; Herbert Irving.